Just a few things I've found useful and interesting in my trips around the internet
Hero Games
My favorite game system, I've been playing since 1983 and writing for the system since the early 1990s. This site has all the news, discussion, updates, products, and freebies you can get from Hero Games, including Kestrel Arts products!
James Lileks
The Will Rogers of our time, James Lileks and his array of pages. Always entertaining, fun, and interesting. Check out his books, Gallery of Regrettable Foods is especially great.
Alton Brown's Blog
Thoughts, articles, links, and information from Good Eats culinary mad genius Alton Brown.
The White Horse Inn
Talk, writing, and thoughts from a Reformational perspective by a great group of guys.
Geoffrey Paxton's Talks
A compilation of lectures and sermons by Australian theologian Geoffrey Paxton, a man who had a tremendous influence on my life and thinking. Also included, some silly fun stuff posted on Youtube.